Chamomile Tea

I gave my baby chamomile tea for the first time last night. I had read somewhere that chamomile was good for colicky babies. Now, I don’t have a colicky baby (far from it) but he had a really rough day yesterday and his tummy was obviously upset, so I looked up chamomile tea since I always have that on hand – my 5yr old loves to drink it when she’s sick.

According to what I read, you make a weak cup of tea and give the baby 1 to 3 teaspoons of the tea and it’ll settle the baby’s stomach. So I gave it a try. I put it in a bottle for the baby, of course, since this was his first experience with a bottle he had no idea what to do with it but he still drank a teaspoon or two.

Chamomile is fairly sweet on it’s own so even though the baby wasn’t familiar with it, he still liked it. And, he settled right down in 15 minutes. Then nursed and finally went to sleep.

I’ve heard you can use chamomile daily for colicky babies but I’ve never tried it since I’ve been blessed with happy babies. Though, I am tempted to give him a teaspoon every night before bed since he slept 10 hrs last night – Don’t worry, I won’t, he’s been sleeping longer and longer at night already. Though, I had forgotten what a full night’s sleep feels like, I almost didn’t need my coffee this morning!