My crazy busy week

Sometimes, I think I have it all worked out. I like to plan, so the occasional feeling of having everything under control is really nice. And then, that’s just now how it works out. Oh well, at least I had a plan, that I added to, and rearranged into next week, so I can continue to add to it and rearrange. You get the idea. I’m thinking sometime next month I may actually have it all worked out again…just in time for school to start…Or not.

By the end of last week I was down to laundry, clean bathrooms, and some shopping for my oldest’s pagent this weekend – and then things happened. I had a new project come in for work (I freelance from home so if I have lots of projects, my house looks like I have lots of projects), actually 3 projects, but they’re related to each other so it’s technically 1 project with 3 items.

Anyways…then I was joining a friend at her yardsale this weekend and I had about 10 small boxes of stuff (mostly clothing and toys) to take over. Well…our tenants moved out of our rental and left a trailer full of furniture, so I spent two days cleaning out the house and carting everything over to the yardsale. (thankfully, KARM is picking up any yardsale leftovers so I don’t have to cart things away) And a few more days cleaning the house. Plus in the middle of all this, my car is locking into 4wheel drive when I’m only in 2, a SUV with a terrible turn radius isn’t fun to drive at all! Right now, It’s my second day without my car – I “should” have it back tonight. Not holding my breath though.

I so desperately need to go grocery shopping that I mentioned something about it last night and my husband just agreed with me – there was no “oh, it’s not that bad.” He just agreed that “yes, you need to go grocery shopping”. I have food (like beef in the freezer) but some of our favorites are missing – like eggs, rice, cheese, peanut butter – I’ve been so busy cleaning a house I haven’t had time for it. On the bright side, the rental is now clean, the lawn mowed, and I just need to run over and stick the “for rent” sign in the yard.

I’m without a car today, which is kind of a blessing in disguise, I’m forced to stay home and do things like write blog posts, finish my laundry (which I am somehow almost done with…), and a few other small things that I need to get done around the house.

Baby boy just woke up so I need to go feed him, and then work on laundry…what happened to my summer plans of hanging out at the pool and water park all summer?!

Too Busy

I was driving down the road the other day with a drink on my lap, an open barbecue packet in one hand and a hamburger in the other. And I needed to hand a napkin back to my child because she had spilled the barbecue sauce on herself (which is why I had it in my hand). My drink would’t fit in my drink holder, and I was trying to eat my hamburger. Fortunately my child had her chicken nuggets already or something probably would have been dropped on the floor.

Sometimes, I wonder if this is how I run my life. I’m heading 45 mph in heavy traffic trying to balance everything in my little world and sooner or later something is bound to fall. The tough thing is, what do I get rid of? My child likes barbecue sauce with her chicken nuggets (most of the time I think she eats more sauce than nugget), I obviously want my hamburger and a drink to wash it down. I’m smart enough to leave my fries in the bag on the seat next too me, so they’re there but I’m not dealing with them at the moment.

I’m heading through life, making sure my kids get to participate in the opportunities and events they like, maintaining the things I need to do (cleaning the house, cooking, managing our small business, etc.) and washing it down with the things I like (sewing, reading, etc.) and then keeping my dreams in a bag on the seat (I don’t have time for them right now, but I’ll make a grab towards them every time I get a hand free from my other stuff).

Sometimes I have to ask myself if this is healthy. Do I let go of what I want to fulfill the things I need to do, or do I minimize the things I need to do and pursue my dreams. And how do I encourage my children to succeed and follow their dreams? How do I help my husband with his dreams? And where’s the balance, because dropping anything makes a mess!